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- Ecological Solution
- Does not use energy
- CETESB compliance
- Local microorganisms
- Reduces pollutants and toxins
- Respect for the environment
- Recyclable Biological Cycle
- Constant adaptation
- No external microorganisms
- High efficiency in results
- Service contracting


Microbial Environmental 

Genetic Management

Problems with your ETE?

Our solutions use microorganisms from the site itself to promote the treatment of sewage, ETEs - Sewage Treatment Stations, pits and contaminated areas.

Call: 11.98621.0999



Check out the comments from our customers and partners about work developed by Workgen

Paisagem Natural

The WorkGen solution uses microorganisms selected from the site itself and allows the ETEs - Water Treatment Plants to have a sustainable output,  extremely effective and dynamic.

Nido Gomes, Shine Cosmeticos

There are many environmental challenges. 
Count on Workgen Biotech to help you.

We live in a new scenario of environmental and social awareness, where the importance of the individual and the environment has transcended local layers and today has a global echo.  Small actions have great reflections, the 4.0 consumer is linked to social networks, to the dynamics of the internet and at the other end, financial organizations linked to ESG indicators and metrics, establishing an environment of ecological prevention and remediation, compliance terms and monitoring of actions and responsibilities of the individual/company/government.

This new vision, focused on better management of our ecosystem, inevitably involves biotechnology, environmental accounting, soil and water sources protection, pollutant emissions, traceability of processes and actions with low environmental impact.

Organic sustainability, structured in genetic technology, allows efficient ecological solutions to be implemented to reduce this environmental impact, promoting the rebalance of nature, the reuse of substances and elements, transforming toxic liabilities into inert elements, generating green jobs, reducing methane emissions. , removing problems from the environment and bringing solutions.  Nature has a lot to teach us.

At Workgen Biotech we are prepared for this new scenario that will unfold, with sustainable actions, promoting new opportunities and presenting our customers with measurable results, whether in economic, social and environmental terms, our microorganism technology brings advantages for everyone: for the entrepreneur, for the citizen and the government.
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