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Workgen - Seleção de Micro-organismos locais

Microbial Selection

Choice of the best and most active microorganisms

Workgen Biotech offers a solution that complies with environmental legislation, extracting microorganisms only from the place where bio-treatment will be carried out.

The process of selecting the most suitable "individuals" to be worked on in our biotechnological methodology involves some steps protected by industrial patents.


Workgen - Coleta Seletiva de Amostras do Meio Ambiente


Selective collection of samples

Análise em microscópio


Laboratory analysis and selection of the "most active"

Workgen - Seleção dos micro-organismos


Parameterized selection

Workgen - Seleção e Aprimoramento Genético


Patented processes / DNA

Workgen - Colônia de Micro-organismos


Culture of Microorganisms

Workgen - Trabalho de desenvolvimento das colônias de micro-organismos


Patented analysis processes

Workgen - Desenvolvimento de micro-organismos comedores de poluição


The individuals that have the best characteristics and that were genetically improved in the laboratory will be bio-augmented in the reactors to return to the environment from which they came, thus guaranteeing a superior performance to the other individuals in the consumption of pollutants, toxins and aggressive agents to the environment.

Microorganisms extracted from their own environments.

Worgen Bimassa Ativa
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