Environmental Treatment
The power of selected microorganisms to treat nature.
After the processes of qualifying collection, biological selection, genetic improvement and bio-augmentation in the Workgen reactors, it is time to place the microorganisms in the treatment sites so that they can act on a large scale, promoting the conversion of different types of organic materials. and inorganic substances mixed with water in other inert or non-toxic substances or elements. Returning these wastes to the environment in a much more favorable condition for recycling and/or reuse within nature's cycles, as established in environmental standards.
Workgen biomass helps nature
to carry out its recycling mission with
huge efficiency.

Action of Microorganisms
During the Bioaddition stage of the process, the augmented biomass is added "in situ" to the compromised environment via a set of predefined inoculation points (IP).
These inoculation points are defined based on a combination of factors including geography, composition and other specific environmental variables and are arranged to provide optimal diffusion of microorganisms through the compromised substrate. This initial phase constitutes the microbial colonization phase of the process.
The objective during this phase of the process is to allow the readjustment of these autochthonous microorganisms to the environment and the consequent (microbial) repopulation to initiate enzymatic activity. Recolonization and enzyme activity are monitored for standard plate count (CPP) to determine CFU (colony forming units) and enzyme activity (in vitro neutralization), which will be used as an index for internal quality control (ICQ). ) and for possible adjustments in the concentrations of the increased biomass added to the inoculation points.
The direct results of the successful application of the Bioaddition and Recolonization phase are a drastic reduction of unpleasant odors and a reduction in the volume of solid residues present in the substrate.

Nature is always working to recycle

We work ecologically
together with nature.
Structured Processes

Selected Biomass - Power of Nature